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17th Kingdom | Dark Knight LTD700 (2023)

17th Kingdom | Dark Knight LTD700 (2023)

A special edition for the Patrons was created as a limited series of 700 units, known as the 17th Kingdom Dark Knight.

It featured a different back design color, along with unique graphics on the foldbox, the creator’s signature, and a custom-made clear acrylic protective case shaped like the deck, produced by Carat Case Creations.

The complete Dark Knight package, including the shaped case, was part of the annual Patreon reward for 2023, along with a copy of 17th Kingdom Avant Garde.

This variant features black colored edges and a different color scheme of the back design.

Patreon reward 2023
LTD 700 units
Cards manufactured by WJPC, PRC
Tuckboxes manufactured by Boschiero&Newton, Italy

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