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The Claw LTD1471 (2024)

The Claw LTD1471 (2024)

The Claw is a Kickstarter exclusive limited edition deck (1471 units) released during the Kickstarter campaign. Only Kickstarter backers could add a maximum of 2 units on top of their current pledge.

The name matches a character from the novel, who is the antagonist, the villain of the story.

The layout of the faces has drastically changed, featuring a very unconventional index. The illustrations are the same as in the three main variants, but with a different layout and some color tweaks. The back design follows the same structure, but some parts have been revised to match the novel's narrative. For example, the front of the tuckbox depicts the Orbis Triplex, as this artifact was in the hands of the villains.

The deck is currently in production, and the pictures show the presentation renderings.

 Funded with Kickstarter in 2024
1471 units currently in production at WJPC, PRC
Estimated delivery: September 2024
Currently in production
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