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Black Requiem | Counterspell

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1x Black Requiem "Counterspell" Playing Cards 

This is a special edition of my first deck funded with Kickstarter in 2014. The regular 2014 Requiem (red faces and printed by USPCC) went out of stock long ago and it will not be reprinted to honour the promise with kickstarter backers in 2014.


Casting a counterspell with Magick Sigils (yes, with -ck)

As the Regular Requiem tells the chronicles of a lost love, Black Requiem casts a counterspell using Magick sigils on those cards depicting the feeling (aces and court cards). 

Magick sigils are a way to focus on a will, no black magic or satanism involved.

Basically they work like this:

  • You write on paper a desire/will as it is already happened. Example: you write I AM HAPPY, instead of I WANT TO BE HAPPY.
  • Then you remove all the vowels I A A Y (Y counts as vowel)
  • Now you have the consonants MHPP
  • Duplicates have to be removed, therefore the 3 letter are MHP
  • These can be rotated, stretched, mirrored, overlapped, distorted, and you can create your own sigil as showed in the pictures.
  • you look at the sigil every day and you focus on that. It can be made as a tattoo or another way. It is important that it placed in a spot that is often in your sight.

Example: the sigil made for the Ace of Spades:
The original Ace of spades card was depicting solitude (solitudo in latin).
The magick counterspell sigil is created with the latin word comitas (company), which is the exact opposite of solitude.

Court Cards, Aces and number cards.
All court cards and aces have a magick sigil overprinted with cold foil application on the center (gold for hearts and diamonds, silver for clubs and spades). All number cards have "healed" pips; not as the first version of Requiem Playing Cards.


  • 56 cards B9 slimline printed by Cartamundi (Belgium)
  • Poker size
  • Gold foil application on the back design
  • Gold and silver foil application on the faces
  • Tuckbox printed by Boschiero&Newton (Italy) with white foil, color print (joker on the front), black foil, embossing, and inner color in deep shiny red. Black paper stock of the darkest available black.
  • Custom faces
  • Gaff card: 17th of diamonds
  • 56th card: magick sigils meaning
  • XVII Seal in red and black for all decks (see last picture)
  • Wrapped in cellophane
  • Made in the EU

Photoshooting by Richard Arturo


Important Shipping notes:

  • Shipped from Texas USA with tracking number.
  • Shipping only to countries supporting the tracking number.
  • Transit time depending by destination: 3-4 days for USA, 15-40 days rest of the world.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 14 reviews
      Malakai Edison


      Interesting Artwork

      I bought these cards as a gift my daughter's boyfriend. He requested them. They're definitely something he would like, and as a collector, they add to his unique collection.

      Steven Adams

      Stockholm17 is the best. Hands down!🃏🐐👑


      Fantastic quality, concept, and art

      Hossein Ghaednia

      So much details, Love this!


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